Natural persons
Legal persons
Certificate of incorporation or of business registration (original)
Latest audited financial report (original)
Proof of quality of the legal representative(s) of corporate investor (e.g incumbency certificate) (original)
Bank statement (original)
Time frame
Working time and time limit for handling is depended on each agency.
Additional information
For applying for consular legalization in Vietnam, foreign documents must be certified by diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies authorized to perform the functions of foreign consular of the country where the documents are issued. Please note that some diplomatic missions or consular offices of some countries do not perform the functions of certification for documents in Vietnam.
Investor may also carry out the procedure for consular legalization at overseas Vietnamese representative missions.
In practice, required documents for certification at diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies authorized to perform the functions of consular of foreign country are documents that have been authenticated by public notary in the country where the documents are issued.
We assume here that:
- (i) the investors carry out the procedure for consular legalization in Vietnam;
- (ii) the diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies authorized to perform the functions of foreign consular perform certification for foreign investors.