Invalid column name 'oldid'.
List of steps
(Total number of steps: 51)
Meet Department of Planning and Investment (DPI) and define location
Obtain certified copies of foreign documents for consular legalization  (2)
Obtain consular legalized copies of documents  (3)
Obtain certified translation of documents  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of passports or Vietnamese ID cards  (2)
Declare investment project information online
Obtain Investment Registration Certificate (IRC)  (2)
Obtain Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)  (3)
Obtain authenticated copies of IRC  (2)
Obtain seal and seal seal specimen notice  (2)
Make seal
Open bank account  (1)
Obtain approval of environmental impact assessment (EIA) report  (5)
Obtain agreement on land use demand  (3)
Obtain document of evaluation on demand on land use  (2)
Obtain decision on changing purpose of land use  (2)
Sign land lease contract  (2)
Attend on-site title plan verification  (1)
Obtain land use right certificate  (1)
Obtain authenticated copies of land use right certificate  (2)
Obtain planning license/ agreement on architectural planning  (3)
Obtain approval of detailed planning tasks  (3)
Obtain approval of detailed planning 1/500  (3)
Make construction investment project  (1)
Obtain approval of fire prevention and fighting  (2)
Obtain construction permit  (2)

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Submit application for approval of detailed planning 1/500
(last modified: 10/12/2016)

Timeframe ( ver detalles )

Espera hasta paso siguiente

15 mn  -  25 mn
0 days  -  40 days

Contact details

Entity in charge


List of District's level People committee of Phu Yen List of District's level People committee of Phu Yen

Expected results

Receipt of application for approval of detailed planning 1/500 01 - Receipt of application for approval of detailed planning 1/500


For all types of investors
1. General explanation of detailed planning 1/500
General explanation of detailed planning 1/500 (3 original )
Stating in full the substantiations, scientific bases and practice to clarify the contents of the scheme prescribed in Article 20 of Decree No.37/2010/ND-CP of the Government.
The explanation must contain diagrams, miniature drawings of size A3, tables of statistics, calculation Appendix and illustrations.
The explanations of the records of detailed urban planning scheme need to be focused on the following contents:
- Determination of population criteria, social infrastructure, technical infrastructure, and organizational requirements of space and architecture for the entire planning area; land use criteria and requirements for work architecture for each land lot; layout of the technical infrastructure works network to the boundary of the land lot.
- Determination of location; and scale of specific areas should be controled, the contents should be implemented to control, and regulations should be implemented.
- Provision or proposal of solutions to design the specific works.
- Determination of construction areas of underground works (public underground works, high-rise apartment buildings with basement ...)
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Diagram of location, and limitation of the land area, rate of 1/2.000 or 1/5.000 (3 original )
3. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Current state map of the landscape architecture and construction land assessment, rate of 1/500 (3 original )
4. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Current state maps of technical infrastructure system, rate of 1/500 (3 original )
5. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Planning map of the total land use ground rate of 1/500 (3 original )
6. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Organization diagram of space, architecture, and landscape (3 original )
7. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Maps of red line boundaries, construction boundaries, protection corridors, rate of 1/500 (3 original )
(protection corridors of technical infrastructure lines)
8. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Maps of technical infrastructure system planning and environment, rate of 1/500 (3 original )
9. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
General map of the lines, pipelines of technology, rate of 1/500 (3 original )
10. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Map of strategic environmental assessment rate of 1/500 (3 original )
11. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Topographical maps and cadastral maps (3 original )
It needs to show additionally topographical maps together with cadastral maps for the following maps: current status of landscape architecture and land construction assessment; current state of technical infrastructure systems; the planning for total use land surface; red line boundaries, construction boundaries and protection corridor of technical infrastructure lines, planning for environmental and technical infrastructure system.
12. Draft regulations of management according to the detailed planning scheme
Draft regulations of management according to the detailed planning scheme (3 original )
Regulation of management according to the detailed planning scheme must show fully the contents specified in clause 3 of Article 35 of the Law on Urban Planning and the attached diagram. Outline of regulations of the management according to the planning scheme is guided in the Appendix attached to this Circular.
13. Draft decision of approval of detailed planning 1/500
Draft decision of approval of detailed planning 1/500 (3 original )
14. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
CD archiving all records of the planning scheme (3 original )
includes explanations, drawings, and Regulations of management under the planning scheme.
For case of authorization to submit application file
1. Power of attorney from the investor to the authorized person/authority
Power of attorney from the investor to the authorized person/authority (original)

Time frame

The time limits for evaluating and approving detailed planning 1/500 are 25 days and 15 days respectively from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers.
Waiting time in queue: Min. 5mn - Max. 10mn
Attention at counter: Min. 10mn - Max. 15mn
Waiting time until next step: Max. 40 days

Legal justification

1. Law No 30/2009/QH11 of National Assembly dated June 17, 2009 on urban planning
Law No 30/2009/QH11 of National Assembly dated June 17, 2009 on urban planning
Article 35.3
2. Decree 37/2010/NĐ-CP of Goverment dated April 07, 2010 on providing guidance for development, evaluation, approval and management of urban planning
Decree 37/2010/NĐ-CP of Goverment dated April 07, 2010 on providing guidance for development, evaluation, approval and management of urban planning
articles 32, 33, 34.1.c
3. Circular 10/2010/TT-BXD of Ministry of Construction dated August 11, 2010 on defining records of each urban planning
Circular 10/2010/TT-BXD of Ministry of Construction dated August 11, 2010 on defining records of each urban planning
articles 4, 12
4. Decision 03/2008/QD-BXD of Ministry of Construction dated March 31, 2008 on promulgating regulations on contents of drawings and explanatory statements of construction master plans and tasks
Decision 03/2008/QD-BXD of Ministry of Construction dated March 31, 2008 on promulgating regulations on contents of drawings and explanatory statements of construction master plans and tasks
articles apdxI, II
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